Just wanted to say thank you for yesterday, it’s always a pleasure to work with you. I look forward to meeting with you next. You’ve already taught me some of the best lessons! I expect as time moves forward that I’ll learn more fundamental ideas that help propel the organizations forward as ONE unit.
- Keep everything in the open (you never know what you’ll find)
- Keep everything simple (you want everyone to understand it)
Jacob Brown, COO (Air Spares Inc.)
- Thoughtful, intelligent and generous
- Insightful and asks tough questions
- Hardworking, thorough, exacting, accurate and painstakingly precise
… Peter Scholtes, Author (The Leader’s Handbook & The Team Handbook) & Consultant - Excellent ability to view organizations, problems, and solution from a systems standpoint
- Very helpful from a personal standpoint as I strive to learn, understand, and apply The Deming System of Profound Knowledge
… Kevin Cahill, President, The W. Edwards Deming Institute - Able to think in terms of the surrounding systems
- Kind, gentle, patient, honest and an awareness of other people. People feel honored, respected, seen, and heard when posing questions or formulating a response
- Naturally inquisitive, enthusiastic and eager to share important concepts
… Lyn Wiltse, President PDSA Consulting - He won the respect of the organization's Subject Matter Experts through his approach in refining current process charts
- Consider him my mentor for understanding LEAN approaches
… Ralph Boy, Senior Systems Engineer, Lead - Customer Introduction, Functional Integration - Great breadth of Quality Knowledge
- A skilled and patient
… Dana Miller, Senior Computer Specialist, University of Washington - A natural teacher and leader with an acute instinct for being able to communicate complex ideas and theories in plain, easily understood English
- Man of the highest caliber and character to be found in business today
… Ralph Gaston, Industrial Engineer, The Boeing Company